Connecting your Java Code to Postgresql installation via terminal in Linux

I've always hated using IDE's, QtCreator being an exception, but I know that I might eventually have to end up using one. For simple Java Codes however, Vim - my preferred text editor, I'm yet to master it btw - should be more than enough. And fair enough, it does do it's job perfectly. The … Continue reading Connecting your Java Code to Postgresql installation via terminal in Linux

How to Extract Images from PDF Documents in Ubuntu/Linux

And that’s how I got the images of all my batchmates. Two PDF files, plenty of photos, even more memories !

Ubuntu Genius's Blog

PDF (Portable Document Format) documents are a handy way to present text and images to others knowing they’ll look the same no matter what word processor or operating system they use. Basically, they’re a snapshot of a document, so saving images from them can be a hassle, even if your viewer lets you right-click them and save them as files. There are a few programs around that can do this for you, but it’s actually much easier and faster doing this from the command-line.

The pdfimages command is part of poppler-utils, which should already be installed on your system (sudo apt-get install poppler-utils in the terminal if it isn’t). To extract the images from a PDF, just open a terminal in the folder with the document, and run a command like the following:

pdfimages -j Cool-Pix-of-2011.pdf cool2011

Note that when extracting from files with spaces in…

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Installing Linux Distros without boot DVD/CD

Pretty cool stuff indeed 😉

Everything is an abstraction

Tired of waiting to burn the latest distros released onto DVD’s/CD’s to try them out?

Wanna reduce the stack of CD’s?

Here is a solution to directly install a distro by directly booting the image files from the harddisk of a GNU/Linux operating system. The steps to be followed are prescribed below(Eg. Fedora 10 from Ubuntu 8.10)

1.Mount the iso image of the distro to a mount point

$ mkdir /media/fedora10

$sudo mount -o loop /home/varrun/Fedora10.iso   /media/fedora10

2. Copy the contents of the iso responsible for booting the distro to a folder in the root directory

  • The kernel -> is present in the isolinux/vmlinuz folder
  • initrd image -> responsible for loading the initial root file system in the RAM

3. Make a directory “Fedora” in root directory ” / “

$ sudo mkdir /fedora

4. Copy the isolinux and images folder in the iso to /fedora directory


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Check wether a port is open using PHP

I saw Tony running this test and didn’t really understand what was going on. Well, this explains it,or at least tries to 😛

Open and Free Source!

You need to replace the
$address =””;
$port = ‘port_number’;

/*Code starts*/
/*port test*/

$port = ‘456’;
if (isset($port) and
($socket=socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) and
(socket_connect($socket, $address, $port)))  {
$text=”Connection successful on IP $address, port $port”;
else  {
$text=”Unable  connect<pre>”.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()).”</pre>”;
echo “<html><head></head><body>”.

/*code ends*/
code courtesy:

How to test :- Copy this code to a file say, porttest.php, change the $address , $port to the required and put it somewhere accessible by your server , like /var/www/ in linux. And run the same by opening localhost/porttest.php

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